Currently, PT Batulicin Nusantara Maritim has 15 tugboats, all of which have been operationalized.
Currently, PT Batulicin Nusantara Maritim has 15 tugboats, all of which have been operationalized.
Currently PT Batulicin Nusantara Maritim has 15 barges that have been used for operational activities.
LCT ship (landing craft tank) is one type of ship that functions for transportation in the sea and shallow waters. LCT (landing craft tank) ships are usually used for shipping between islands or between locations with the type of cargo (cargo) in the form of large goods and heavy equipment.
Currently, LCT (landing craft tanks) ships are used to transport cargo in the form of heavy equipment and construction materials. With LCT Ships (landing craft tanks), these tools and materials can be transported to remote areas that are difficult to reach by ordinary transport ships.